Watch ‎Juanala Loca‬ (2001) - Full Movie Streaming

The love story who transformed Juana, ‪#‎QueenofSpain‬, into Juana "The mad". A story of passions, lies and jealousy with a politic fight behind.

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Watch ‪Mangal Pandey‬ - The Rising - Full Movie Streaming

Based on the life and times of Mangal Pandey, 1857: The Rising is a film about the leader of the 1857 mutiny and his fight against the British rule.

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Watch ‪Mangal Pandey

Watch ‪‎Lumumba‬ (2000) - Full Movie Streaming

Watch ‪#‎Lumumba‬ (2000) - Full Movie Streaming
The true story of the rise to power and brutal assassination of the formerly vilified and later redeemed leader of the independent Congo, Patrice Lumumba. Using newly discovered historical evidence, Haitian-born and later Congo-raised writer and director Raoul Peck renders an emotional and tautly woven account of the mail clerk and beer salesman with a flair for oratory and an uncompromising belief in the capacity of his homeland to build a prosperous nation independent of its former Belgium overlords. Lumumba emerges here as the heroic sacrificial lamb dubiously portrayed by the international media and led to slaughter by commercial and political interests in Belgium, the United States, the international community, and Lumumba's own administration; a true story of political intrigue and murder where political entities, captains of commerce, and the military dovetail in their quest for economic and political hegemony.
Director: ‪#‎RaoulPeck‬
Writers: ‪#‎PascalBonitzer‬‪#‎DanEdelstein‬
Stars: ‪#‎EriqEbouaney‬‪#‎AlexDescas‬‪#‎ThéophileSowié‬

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Watch ‪Solntse‬ (2005) - Full Movie Streaming

Third part in Aleksandr Sokurov's quadrilogy of Power, following ‪#‎Molokh‬(1999) and ‪#‎Telets‬ (2001), focuses on ‪#‎Japanese‬ Emperor ‪#‎Hirohito‬ and‪#‎Japan‬'s defeat in World War II when he is finally confronted by General Douglas MacArthur who offers him to accept a diplomatic defeat for survival.

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Watch ‪Молох‬ (1999)- Full Movie Streaming

Watch ‪#‎Молох‬ (1999)- Full Movie Streaming
In 1942, in ‪#‎Bavaria‬, Eva Braun is alone, when ‪#‎AdolfHitler‬ arrives with Dr. Josef Goebbels and his wife Magda Goebbels and Martin Bormann to spend a couple of days without talking politics.

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